Get Advice
What do you need help with? Click on a topic to find out which organisations can help.
Information and advice on welfare benefits, Universal Credit and Tax Credits, including help to apply, working out if you’d be better off in work, resolving problems and appealing decisions.
Help to resolve consumer problems such as faulty goods, poor quality building works, fraud and scams, and more.
Debt & Money
Support with financial problems and debt, including budgeting and managing your money, dealing with bailiffs, responding to court action, and understanding your options.
Advice and representation on all issues relating to employment – redundancy, rights at work, grievance and disciplinary procedures, discrimination and unfair treatment.
Information and advice on energy efficiency, home insulation and making savings on your fuel and water bills.
Family & Personal
Advice on marriage, separation and divorce, child custody and childcare, wills and probate, domestic violence, family courts procedures and more.
Hate Crime
Help if you are physically or verbally threatened or attacked by someone because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or something else.
Health & Social Care
Help with issues with care homes, care in the community, social services, GPs and hospitals.
Advice on all housing issues including eviction, homelessness, rent or mortgage arrears, problems with landlords and neighbour issues.
Support with a range of immigration issues including for asylum seekers and refugees. Visa applications, bringing family to the UK, changing status and more.
Law & Rights
Advice on discrimination, hate crime, human rights, court processes, rights in prison and with the Police.
Advice and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs, and their families.