About us
Advice in Southampton is a partnership of high-quality accredited advice, information and guidance services for our City’s residents.
We work together to provide a seamless service between generalist and specialist advice services, so the people who need our help don’t have to repeat their story to get the support they need.
All our services provide free, confidential and impartial advice.
We’re funded by Southampton City Council and the Community Justice Fund.
Reporting Hate Crime
Being you is not a crime.
Targeting you for who you are is.
Hate crime comes in many forms.
If you’ve been attacked, whether verbally or physically, we’re here to help.
You can remain anonymous if you wish, and you don’t have to have contact with the Police.
Get help for dealing with hate crime
Information for advice service professionals
Professionals can refer to our services by contacting the providers directly. If you are on our Refernet portal, you can login here to make a referral.
Advice First Aiders can access resources here.
Refernet training materials can be accessed here.
We publish an email newsletter for advice professionals working in public sector and voluntary organisations – you can sign up here.