Advice First Aid – helping you help your service users

Posted on: June 15, 2022

Advice First Aid is a half-day training offer from Citizens Advice Southampton on behalf of the AiS Partnership. The training is designed to help staff and volunteers in public and voluntary sector organisations support service users to self-help with issues such as money worries, housing problems and employment issues. You don’t need to become an adviser – you’ll learn how to access and navigate trusted sources of information online, and how and where to signpost when an individual needs more support.

The training is available FREE to BAME and LGBTQ+ groups through the NHS No Wrong Door programme. Other groups such as faith groups, peer support groups, community groups, and non-advice public and voluntary sector organisations can access the training at a cost of £50pp.

This leaflet offers further information on the programme. You can register your interest through this link and we’ll be in touch to arrange a date for your training.